Laparoscopic Gastric Banding: LAP-BAND ® Adjustable Gastric Band

A Restrictive Procedure

The Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding procedure controls the amount of food that you can eat at one time. A hollow silicone band, placed around the top of your stomach, creates a small pouch and narrow passageway into the rest of the stomach, thereby limiting the amount of food you can consume. The band is then inflated with a saline solution. After food enters the pouch, it slowly empties into the rest of the stomach. Liquids pass through the narrow opening created by the band while denser foods are delayed from passing through.

Band adjustments occur six to eight weeks after surgery and as needed thereafter. For example, the band can be adjusted during pregnancy to allow for appropriate nutritional intake. Patients considering this procedure are carefully screened for dietary habits and preferences as well as pre-existing gastroesophageal reflux disease.


  • Gastric banding is the least invasive surgical option available and does not involve intestinal re-routing, cutting or stapling of the stomach wall or bowel.
  • After LAP-BAND® Adjustible Gastric Band or other gastric banding procedures, patients can expect gradual weight loss for up to two years.
  • This procedure is associated with reduced patient pain, length of hospital stay and recovery period.
  • Adjustments may be performed without additional surgery, including during pregnancy.
  • This is a fully reversible procedure.


  • Band slippage or leakage may occur and can require an operation to correct the problem.
  • Weight reduction after stomach banding surgery is typically slower than that following gastric bypass.
  • Because a foreign body is implanted in the body, there is a risk of infection at the port-site.
  • The band may erode into the stomach wall.

If you’d like to find out more about weight loss that really works, please call The Center for Bariatric Surgery at (201) 781-1380.